I slept til late afternoon after dropping Becky at the train station and then headed on over to my falla, of course. Today was the parade day. When I arrived all the kids were milling about the casal, waiting for the dragon to be ready. My falla has this dragon thingy that's like Chinese dragons and all the kids get under it, carry it, and dance in the streets while we have a band that's dressed like it's Halloween, but crazier, playing songs that everyone knows. Everyone is singing alone and our giant is dancing too. Jesús, one of my professors, and his friend, Roxane, came too. Jesús right now is on crutches because he's incredibly clumsy and tripped on some stairs, but for some reason he decided to follow the parade. So, imagine this: Roxane and I, being silly people, dancing, running around, singing, goofy, and then running back to get Jesús, who the whole time had a huge smile on his face like a little kid. That dude is a true valenciano.

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