Monday, March 29, 2010

Correr al Foc- Miércoles por la noche

I apologize once again for the great big lag in posts. I escaped to the country this weekend (don't worry, I'll post about that too).

After everyone was satisfied throughly with the yummy cena (dinner) we all got ready for the Correr al Foc (Correr al Fuego- Running with Fire, basically). This experience was the probably my favorite. So, now I'm faced with the difficult task of explaining Correr al Foc to you. A bunch of people dress up like demons (dimonis/demonios) and line up with their tridents with a band of drummers behind them, keeping the beat. They slowly process down the street with torches in their hand until they reach two special demon, dressed in black, carrying super awesome thing that I don't know what they're called. The torches light their petards (it's like sparklers on steriods) and off they go dancing. It's officially begun. This is a adrenaline pumping convergence of man and fire. I hope my pictures will explain better than my words.

the procession at the beginning

and it begins...

my favorite demon- Valentia!

dancing through the streets, fire being thrown everywhere, but what is awesome is that it's actually safer to be closer to the demons, under their tridents and torches, so what you do is grab onto the arm of a demon, they light their torches, and off you go, dancing to the beat of the drums, fire flying over your head

what was going on above my head...holy shit

we like playing with fire

dancing under the fire, running with fire, clapping, laughing, screaming, whooping, yelling

the finale

the streets are on fire!!!!

best foto of the night- this should give you a good idea of how amazing this night was

Afterwords, naturally, there was a fiesta in the casal, which was a little bit more crazy than usual because everyone's adrenaline was pumping fast. This was probably my favorite night.

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