Today for the little chitlins' there was a mechanical bull. yusssssss I rode it with Marisa, a fallera that's...a bit...older than me. We lasted quite awhile, but when I fell off I hit heads with some kid on the sideline, which kinda hurt. There was also a blow-up obstacle course, but after the bull I was kinda wiped and Marisa and went into the casal to share a drink.
Tuesday was one of my favorite days in my falla because it was the night of the jam session. For those who know me, ya'll know that when music is around and I'm allowed to participate, I'm the happiest person in the world, so a whole night of music with my falla was the best thing EVER. Pep and I started a little early with some American classics, where I made up the words because I forgot them and everyone else sang the melody, and trust me, my words didn't make in spanish or english (I blame wine and lack of practice in english, the silly language). We took a break to chow down on some yummies and then around midnight started the show.

There was an accordian, two electric guitars, soprano saxophone, percussion, and of course, microphones for some good belting. I sang "I'm Yours," because my good crazy-ass Valencian friends Maria and David were there and they love that song, "Change" by Blind Melon (because I miss my Emily), and "5 Years Time" which has the same chord structure to La Bamba, so when that song was over the entire casal burst out into PARA BAILAR LA BAMBA, swaying and singing, eyes closed and chin up, mouth wide open to produce the most amount of sound. Next we did some blues improv, where I made up some more silly lyrics, because luckily no one but Becky understood english, and she made fun of my lyrics profusely afterwards. A reporter from "El Pais," one of the biggest newspapers in Spain, saw me sing and asked to interview me, so we had an interview (whoa!!!!), but sadly there wasn't enough space in the paper for the article. O well, it was still awesome to realize that I could talk fluently and answer all her questions.

Tuesday was Becky's last night, so we made the rule that she was forbidden to sleep, so we were all up til 10ish in the morning, walked her to the train station, and then crashed til quite late in the afternoon the next day. Becky got home safely and promptly went to sleep for 2 days straight while the party raged on in Valencia.

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