After spending a week back in Valencia, I decided on a whim to go to Dijon, where some friends were studying. No, I didn't try the mustard, I'm not a fan in any form, BUT I did try loads of wine, which is excellent even in the cheap form in France. Ah, cheap....France ISN'T. At all. Not even close. Even the supermarkets are ridiculously expensive. So, lesson to all my readers: If you want to go to France, you better have a trust fund that you can break into, or spend more money to get a hotel with a kitchen. Seriously. I luckily didn't have to pay for sleeping, I crashed on the dormitory floor of my friend Sam's room. Yusssssss, hard floors and cold weather. I was super comfy (and wearing about 5 sweaters). Dijon is one of the oldest cities in France, and it's obvious because the architecture is incredible. It's a really beautiful city, clean, and clearly a wealthy population. Oh yeah, and great bread, best consumed at 7am. All in all I had a great time chilling with Sam and getting to know the other students, all of which are hardcore philosophy students.

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