Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lugo, Galicia

buying new clothes in the tienda china, which has the clothes of highest fashion

After the camino we spent 10 days with Maria Salvador, a friend from Earlham. Wow. What a great place to recuperate after weeks of walking, mostly because her mother fed us SO INCREDIBLY WELL. I've never been that constantly full in my life with such yummies.PAELLA MARISCO O MY GOD

We got to sleep in, read in bed (we were like starved children- finished 2 books in 10 days), and take relaxing walks around the Galician countryside, which is the most beautiful countryside in existence. Lugo is famous for it's Roman wall, which I believe is the only still complete, standing, and in great condition. We took a walk around the wall and saw all the historical roman architecture of Lugo. They have a festival in the end of June where everyone dresses up like romans (toga party!) and goof around the city. Awesome. We saw an amazing jazz trio, OAM Trio, which left us feeling high on music for a few days.
I am a galician poet

Maria and her brother, Suso, made sure I got the full 'galician experience,' which means tuté with the seniors of the village. Tuté is a card game that's a combination of euchre and pinochle, which meant that I DOMINATED. Suso and I were partners against the woman of the village that never loses. We killed. O man, wiped the board clean. The other partners were annoyed that "this foreignor came in and beat at us our game, not okay! Not OKAY!" woops....
Suso- the tuté king, and a total badass

Suso and "W"- my protectors: if anyone messes with me, I can show them this picture and say, "Hold it, you mess with me, you're messing with THEM. Whatya think now?? HUH?"

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