Friday, April 23, 2010


The next day we didn't ever leave Wik, which was fine with me. I was really into reading "Pride & Prejudice," so we had an easy morning, slept in, sipped on coffee, then moved on to sipping on tea, listening to music, Emily and I catching up on each other's lives, head massages, drawing, doodling, giggling, relaxing, something we both really needed. In the afternoon we took a lovely walk around the Wik campus, which is complete with a lake that stretches all the way Stockholm (which equals HUGE), a farm, and a beautiful forest. I was in heaven because finally I was away from the city and could hear myself think, finally I felt some ounce of creativity that used to be within me. I didn't realized how much the city was clogging my brain until I spent that day in Wik. It also helped that Emily, this huge channel of creative energy, was always right next to me.

huge lake

Wik and Rocinante

art studio at Wik

walkin' around the countryside
That night Emily and I chilled in her school, playing on instruments and being totally awful at playing billards. I found a random guitar lying around, picked it up, and we filled the empty halls with music and laughter, you know, normal Emily/Anna goofiness.

goofing around in the school

being a total badass

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