Thursday, April 22, 2010


Rocinante chilling in the harbor

Okay, finally, I"m posting about Sweden. Man, I really suck at keeping this blog thing up to date. I left Valencia at 7am on the cheapest train to get to Alicante, where my flight was from, and because I left so early I had a few hours to wander around, walk along the beach, soak up some sun, find a cool street and not find out it was a mini-mountain until I reached the top completely breathless. It was so nice to have that time to move around before getting on a 4 hour long plane ride to the freezing cold weather of Sweden. It gave me time to get into vacation mode, which this vacation consisted of reading "Pride & Prejudice" all the way through (in 4 days), actually relaxing and letting some things settle that had been happening in Spain, and return to Valencia with a clear mind and view of how I wanted to spend my last few weeks there.

goin' fishin'

great way to start vacation, laying out in the sun

soaking up the last bits of sun before heading north

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