Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I've finally arrived in Valencia! My family is a viuda (widow) who has been hosting students for the past 15 years and has had at least 2 each year! Her name is Doña Rosa and when I asked her if she had internet I had to explain to her what it was, so whenever I want to use the internet I go on an adventure.

I've officially fallen in love with the times to eat here. Breakfast (desayuno) is whenever you wake up and is only bread and coffee or juice. Lunch (comida) is around 2-3pm. Usually I have café con leche (coffee with milk) around 4-5pm, and then between 9-10pm there's dinner (la cena). I have yet to eat something here that I don't like, and yes, I've been trying new things. My new favorite is chopitos, which is fried calamari.

I've spent the first two days walking all around Valencia. Surrounding the old village (cascua antigua) there is a dried up river bed that is kind of like a park that circles the city. Mi amiga Lauren y yo have started running down the river and have discovered little lakes, outdoor excersice machines, and beautiful places to sit. I can't wait for spring!

I'll post fotos when I actually take some. I waiting for better sunlight for better pictures. And sorry for my spanglish. These things happen.

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