Friday, January 1, 2010

The Journey Begins

Well, here I am, late at night when I should be sleeping, listening to Fats Waller and Billie Holiday and thinking about Spain. I mean, I am leaving in 6 days. Wow. 6 days. I am about to embark on a journey unlike anything I've ever dreamed or imagined. It might even top the creation of "Raynoir" that came with plaid caps and lightsabers in my childhood. This entire break has been spent saying goodbye to people I love. I spent New Years Eve (which was last night, which is why I should really be sleeping) with my lovely men, my wanna-be brothers that I've known since 2nd grade. I think it was the perfect herald to this grand new year: 2010. Welcome to the year of great adventures of Anna!

So, once again, this blog that I created is to keep everyone updated on my travels: family members who can't access the plethora of photos I'll be putting up on facebook, and also a place where I can put down my thoughts as I traverse through Europe. Europe. It beckons.

Ah, and I can't forget: for Christmas my wonderful parents gave me my very own gnome de Amélie to catologue my journey.

I really should give him name, but that will come all in good time. So it begins...

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