Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fuego y Clases

A couple days ago we went to Canals, which is a small pueblo (town) that had their Saint's Day. A huge pile of pine branches and needles is constructed in the center of the plaza and is burned. Hundreds of people were there and I was so squished it was hard to move my arms. You just got carried away with the crowd and came home smelling like fire and red in the face from all the heat.

Classes started yesterday, so I've been constantly walking back and forth for the past two days. I live about 45 minutes (walking) from the university. At the university I get sit through:

Historia del Arte (Art History)
Cultura (Culture of Valencia and España)
Lengua (Language- to help with grammar)
Literatura (Literature- all about the Don Quixote here)
Cine (Movies- One every week)

So far they all seem alright. I'm diving head first into Don Quixote. The dude's nuts and kind of reminds me of myself when I was younger, which is probably why the book is so famous: it reminds all of us what it was like to believe in something that was fiction so much that it drove us to dress up and act like what we just read.

I'm still finding my way around the city and got lost for the first time yesterday. Note to self: Never take the Metro again. It isn't good for you. All in all, things are going pretty great. I'm presented to my falla tomorrow. When I have a bit more time I'll explain what that is. In short it's a group of people that really like fire.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Because I was requested to post some more pictures, here's some:
Climbed a mountain, looking out on the tallest peak at el castillo de Xativa.The mountain

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I've finally arrived in Valencia! My family is a viuda (widow) who has been hosting students for the past 15 years and has had at least 2 each year! Her name is Doña Rosa and when I asked her if she had internet I had to explain to her what it was, so whenever I want to use the internet I go on an adventure.

I've officially fallen in love with the times to eat here. Breakfast (desayuno) is whenever you wake up and is only bread and coffee or juice. Lunch (comida) is around 2-3pm. Usually I have café con leche (coffee with milk) around 4-5pm, and then between 9-10pm there's dinner (la cena). I have yet to eat something here that I don't like, and yes, I've been trying new things. My new favorite is chopitos, which is fried calamari.

I've spent the first two days walking all around Valencia. Surrounding the old village (cascua antigua) there is a dried up river bed that is kind of like a park that circles the city. Mi amiga Lauren y yo have started running down the river and have discovered little lakes, outdoor excersice machines, and beautiful places to sit. I can't wait for spring!

I'll post fotos when I actually take some. I waiting for better sunlight for better pictures. And sorry for my spanglish. These things happen.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Lauren- Segovia
Rocinante- My gnome outside Toledo.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

El Principio

After 3 days of being in Spain I'm already having trouble communicating in English.
The first day here was a day full of exploring (and dragging feet) and recovering from jet lag. I had my first cup of the marvelous spanish coffee and then....slept for an hour....

First impressions:

The Food: Yes. Wonderful. Love it. Love the times Spaniards eat (breakfast, lunch between 1-4, dinner between 8-10pm). Love the cafeterias for an afternoon cup of café con leche.

The People: Everyone dresses like they're about to model for a fashion magazine here, which of course means my style of dress doesn't quite fit in, but it doesn't bother me. I'm dressed up in my own terms. I'm not going to sacrifice my sense of 'style' during this trip. I might pick up a better fashion sense, but it will still be mine. It's quite obvious that we are americanos because of our horrible grammar and accent, but now is the time to make mistakes so we know more of what we're doing when we get to Valencia!

The City: I can't stop walking. Can't.....stop......It's the best way to see a city and definitely the best way to see Madrid. We went to Toledo and all we did was walk and walk and walk around a city of twisting stone streets where if you used a map you just got more lost than you were when you weren't using one.

I must leave, we are heading to Reina Sofia (art museum) in a bit and I need to get ready. So far it's been incredible. I believe I've named my gnome: Rocinante, after Don Quixote's horse. He's been put into great use so far.

I'll post pictures once I get better internet access.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Journey Begins

Well, here I am, late at night when I should be sleeping, listening to Fats Waller and Billie Holiday and thinking about Spain. I mean, I am leaving in 6 days. Wow. 6 days. I am about to embark on a journey unlike anything I've ever dreamed or imagined. It might even top the creation of "Raynoir" that came with plaid caps and lightsabers in my childhood. This entire break has been spent saying goodbye to people I love. I spent New Years Eve (which was last night, which is why I should really be sleeping) with my lovely men, my wanna-be brothers that I've known since 2nd grade. I think it was the perfect herald to this grand new year: 2010. Welcome to the year of great adventures of Anna!

So, once again, this blog that I created is to keep everyone updated on my travels: family members who can't access the plethora of photos I'll be putting up on facebook, and also a place where I can put down my thoughts as I traverse through Europe. Europe. It beckons.

Ah, and I can't forget: for Christmas my wonderful parents gave me my very own gnome de Amélie to catologue my journey.

I really should give him name, but that will come all in good time. So it begins...