Saturday, May 8, 2010


The second to last weekend in Spain the group did one last excursion, this time to Morella, a small town about 2 hours outside of Valencia. The purpose of the trip? To relaxxxxx, take it easy. (that last sentence is underlined and a different color, which means you should click on it, by the way) It was a gorgeous day and the girls and I headed out to do some exploring. This was the kind of spanish town that if we had a map, we would just get more lost. It was small enough that eventually we would magically end up in the same spot we started at. hmmm....

large phallic object we later figured out was a sundial

We spent the first part wandering, luxuriously standing in the sun, giggling, enjoying purposefully forgetting our 40 pages we had to write and 2 presentations we had to do for next week exams. Maybe that's why we were so happy.

plaza de toros (bull ring)

Hilary, Lisa, Katie, and I found a lovely grassy hill, kicked out shoes off and rolled around in the grass until we started itching all over. After that we decided we should check out the castle. Up up up up up the hill we went. Wow. Best castle we've been to yet. It wasn't totally renovated, which made it so much better. It felt...real. I know that sounds wierd and odd, but it felt old. Really old. The other castles just felt like someone put them there for tourists. This castle was a castle.
grassy hill
the convent

checking out Morella

the wee town of Morella

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