Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mis Cumpleaños!!

my girl Hilary and I

For my 20th birthday my falla threw a huge party in the casal, complete with music (an AWESOME playlist I spent the whole day working on), 3 tables laden down with delicious food potluck style, and an open bar. Wow. I was allowed to invite whoever I wanted, so my girlfriends from the program (las americanas) and my valencian buddies came. After completely stufffffffffing ourselves with ridiculously good food and company we started dancydancing.

sooooo full and soooooo happy

I was a little nervous having so many people from different parts in my life (my american friends, my valencian buddies, and my falla) but everybody gelled together so well! My friend Bruno and Chris (my professor) did the twist together.

them sexy gurls in them sexy dresses

let the good times roll!

Chris and I!

my falleros, heading to the rodeo

When midnight came along (the party was saturday April 17th, because you can't party sunday night, the night of my real birthday) I put on "You Sexy Thing" to herald in a new decade in my life. Oh yes, you heard right you sexy thing. Everyone got together and sang it in eachother's faces. Such good times. Then the cake came out. Wow. Super chocolate fancy cake that said "happy birthday anna" in valenciano. Then the presents which I wasn't expecting. I got a ridiculous birthday hat from Vicenta, a dictionary between catalán and english (finally!) and castanets, real nice ones. This was the best birthday celebration I've ever had. Hands down. I was surrounded by crazy spaniards and friends that I absolutely adore and everyone was having a good time. The atmosphere was infectious!!!!

my sweet hat on Vicenta, looking suuuuuper excited for life...

:) Bruno, Maria, and I, with a face intrusion of Humberto on the right side

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