Thursday, February 4, 2010

¡Buenas Días!

Just for something a little different:
Here's a wonderful description of my walk to the unversity every morning.

Wake up 7:30am.
Music: Vampire Weekend.

Jamming jamming jamming, grab a paper that has soduko so I will not be quite as bored in class.
Take some small streets, short cuts, run across the Plaza Ayuntamiento, because it's fun and it's morning and other people are running (but I think I might be the only one with a stupid goofy smile on my face). About this time the sun has risen enough that the streets lights turn off for the day. Yeah, soooooo early. But I get to see tired spaniards rushing to work, which is great for someone who loves people watching.

If I decide I need more coffee because I didn't sleep much the night before because I had dreams about flirting with bartenders and mugs full of tea and coffee lining my door way and fiestas in my house, I stop at a small place on the edge of a park and get café con leche para llevar (coffee with milk to go).

While the coffee is inevitably burning my fingers through the cup I'm rushing across Porta del Mar and deal with the awful sounds of construction, which aren't fun that early.

Next, my favorite part. The bridge. Reference the pictures:

Then the final stretch! After 45 minutes of HELLO MORNING I arrive at the unversity, ready to sit for 6 hours straight through classes (which of course are the WORST part of this study abroad).

PS. This post is an after-effect of a two hour nap and a wonderful café con leche. Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice wallk, and also sounds like you have become "a regular" at it...and you sound like you are comfortable. That makes me happy. Love you Anna.
